Upload Your Video To Facebook

A quick self guide to getting you started

Thanks for choosing SkyBiz Media Productions to create and commission your video/s. We often get customers asking us how to promote their new asset online to as many people as possible. 

Whilst we don't engage in online social media promotional services,  we know a thing or two about facebook the promotion of your video. So please take your time to go through this page in order to learn a few things.

Learning theses social media promotional techniques whilst not difficult are essential to the target promotion of your business. Once you understand Facebook then you can migrate to Instagram a platform for a more younger audience. 

We will break these down into some simple facts. 

Wide Area Promotions such as across a major city, state or country can go well with a Google Ads Campaign. These campaigns require expertise outside our field of advice and you would best engage the services of an expert specialist in this field. 

Close Area Promotions - such as across a close area like parts of the Sunshine Coast, several close suburbs, people close to your business, or people that already "Like" you company profile on Facebook, work exceptionally well with a Facebook Video or Instagram Campaign. These can be again implemented by a social media promotion company or by yourself

The purpose of this page is to help you with a reasonable start to your Online Video Campaign with FACEBOOK that you can promote by yourself. This will save you money engaging a professional company, until you get to the point where strategy and growth requires a more professional approach. In saying this you can do really well and the money you save on professional services can be used for Ad Spend.

So Let's get started.  

You have a few choices here.....

  1. Simply post your video on your facebook page to all your current customers and people who like your page. This works but not really polite to keep posting the same video all the time (Difficulty Level- Super Easy)
  2. Post your video to your page then "Boost" this post - Works OK, regarded as "low hanging fruit" will get some results, but not really targeted ( Difficulty Level - Easy)
  3. Create a targeted campaign to thousands of potential new viewers by creating a Specific Video Advert. This is a very targeted approach that you can track and adjust, plus re-market your content to your viewers at a later date (Difficulty Level - Not that Hard if you follow videos below !! )
  4. Create a full blown Video Promotional Campaign with email capture, landing page, call to action, special deals, data tracking, re-marketing, and everything else Facebook can do  ( Difficulty Level - Call in professional marketing person or team)

We will be concentrating on No. 3

Tip: when watching the following videos, view them again on an iPad, tablet or mobile phone, so that you can start and stop the video whilst you create your video ad step by step on your computer. 

View these two videos to learn how to easily create a video campaign on Facebook with your new video asset

Watch This Video 1st
Setting up Facebook Video Ad Campaign

This is the primary video to watch, if you already have a business Facebook page fast forward to 2:59  to save some time and start watching where the actual video campaign starts, if you DO NOT have a business Facebook page setup then watch from the beginning.  View this video a couple of times, don't rush and understand how it all works it's pretty straight forward, then jump in. 
This is a good video that explains all those little buttons and techniques that need to be turned on or employed to ensure a smooth campaign.

Watch This Video 2nd
Setting up Remarketing for a Facebook Video  Advert Campaign

This video is similar to the first video, but talks and shows you how to re-market further ads or the same advert back to your viewers.
These techniques should definitely be engaged after you have set up the first video campaign. Re-marketing means that for a set period of time up to 365 day, anyone who has watched your video on facebook from 3, 10, 15, seconds to 25%, 50% and 95% will be specifically targeted with your advert again in the future. This may be great for the people and viewers  you want to target again for example birthday deals, or seasonal specials etc even with the same video.

Other Resources:
For more help and advice include Youtube, use the search terms "Posting Facebook Video Adverts" and "Facebook Video Campaigns"
Also search Google with the same search phrases as this will give information produced directly by Facebook.

Also Check Out:
Fiverr which will  put you in touch with Facebook promotion services run out of Asia, India & Europe, Fiverr uses very well priced overseas labour to promote your campaign from around $3-4 US an hour. These people normally speak and write great English but you need to be very specific with your directive. If you want to promote your video asset run through everything with them. pay for a short job and if you achieve your results with them you can engage them for more permanent work. 

Cloud Clicks is a local Sunshine Coast, Social Media Promotion company, they are in Maroochydore for easy access, engagement and discussion, definitely consider for complex promotion such as combined Google, Facebook and Instagram campaigns . 

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Why SkyBiz Media ?

Skybiz Media Productions has been involved in creating videos for a number of years offering clients value for money and exceptional service. In addition to being professional camera technicians all our operators are qualified CASA certified drone pilots. We have also been involved in creating works for Local Councils, National Corporations, TV adverts and local businesses. So we look forward to seeing how we can best help you with any project moving forward. 

Our Services

Video Content Creators

Multi Camera Interviews

Low Light and Slow Motion Specialists

CASA Certified Drone Pilots

Professional Editing

Professional Photography

Script Writing and Production

Professional Voice Over Artists

Company Information

Fusion Innovations Pty Ltd.
T/A Skybiz Media Productions

A Sunshine Coast Video Production Company

77 152 457 933

Office 1300 55 69 79

Mb 0433 121 736

PO Box 133, Mooloolaba, Qld, 4557