Different Video Styles

Social Media Video Content

Look around you, look for someone sitting quietly at a desk or table, what are they doing..... Yep they are looking at a little screen, but not just here, every corner of the world, every rich and poor country alike will have billions of people glued to their smart phones watching something like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or a myriad of other social media apps.

Smoking was regarded in the history of humanity as the most communal social act that brought people closer together, share a cigarette and have a talk. As smoking is on the way out and a new trend is sweeping the world and thats social media engagement. You don't have to like it, agree with it or even partake in it, but if you don't incorporate it into your business model you ARE going to be left behind as some smart young entrepreneur takes your business away. 

Traditional methods of advertising like Newspapers, TV, Radio, Letter Drops are all old hat,  any idea why ? They are not targeted, they rely on the old "throw mud at a wall and hopefully something will stick" technique. How can you track your advertising dollar, how do you know who is seeing your advert. YOU DON'T

Enter social media advertising, these adverts are targeted. Google probably knows more about you than you spouse and thats no joke. Google knows what you read online, your interests, it calculates your income by the kind of things you spend online, same for Facebook and Instagram. these applications not only know so much about YOU, but also about your target market.

So now you can create an online campaign and set the parameters and that social media app will only show that advert to high value viewers, viewers that have a spend history and interest in that item, idea, or product. you can track these and there you have it, specific directed advertising, an advertisers dream. Don't waste money on massive campaigns, be smart target only the audience that has an interest in your company or service. 

Examples of Social Media Advertising for Facebook, Instagram and Google
all of these are 60 seconds or less

  • Terry White Chemart Advert

Halcol Solar Installation Advert

Stockland Aura Advert

Which brings me to our next major point. When creating specific campaigns VIDEO CONTENT RULES. People are not often reading online, they are watching videos. By 2022 85% of all internet traffic will be online video getting your message across in business today is about creating well planned, cost effective video content, small adverts that run 30, 60, 90 seconds to engage and entice the senses of sight, audio and brain into engaging with that service. 

Have a look on facebook, every 3rd post is an advert , have a look on  any News Page, eBay, Amazon, Youtube, they all have Google Adverts running, but the adverts shown won't be the same on your friends, family and partners laptop or smart phone, nope they are just for you and most will start running to some kind of video media. 

Video media is significantly more engaging than a picture and infinity more engaging than a written word advert. With todays advancement in technology long gone are the prohibitive costs of engaging a video production company which was only available to the multi national brand names, today every company can afford to engage professional video services. So give us a call for a friendly and informative chat to see if a social media video campaign is something that will be of value to you. 

Office 1300 55 69 79 

or call Douglas direct 0433 121 736

Some of Our Valued Clients

Contact us today by filling out the enquiry form below and we will be in touch soon

Why SkyBiz Media ?

Skybiz Media Productions has been involved in creating videos for a number of years offering clients value for money and exceptional service. In addition to being professional camera technicians all our operators are qualified CASA certified drone pilots. We have also been involved in creating works for Local Councils, National Corporations, TV adverts and local businesses. So we look forward to seeing how we can best help you with any project moving forward. 

Our Services

Video Content Creators

Multi Camera Interviews

Low Light and Slow Motion Specialists

CASA Certified Drone Pilots

Professional Editing

Professional Photography

Script Writing and Production

Professional Voice Over Artists

Company Information

Fusion Innovations Pty Ltd.
T/A Skybiz Media Productions

A Sunshine Coast Video Production Company

77 152 457 933

Office 1300 55 69 79

Mb 0433 121 736

PO Box 133, Mooloolaba, Qld, 4557